Corporate Security

1. Security Vision & Responsibility:

We assess the commitment of your company’s upper management to instill security as a fundamental aspect of your organizational culture and prioritize it across all levels of operation

2. Risk Assessment:

Our audits evaluate the effectiveness of your risk assessment procedures in identifying and mitigating threats, particularly in complex supply chain environments.

3. Business Partners:

We ensure that your business partners, both domestic and international, adhere to appropriate security measures to safeguard goods throughout the supply chain, especially those directly handling cargo and import/export documentation.

4. Cybersecurity:

Our audits examine your cybersecurity measures to protect critical assets, including intellectual property, customer information, financial data, and employee records, against cyber threats and breaches.
With our CTPAT Audit Service, you can trust us to deliver thorough assessments and actionable insights to enhance your supply chain security and meet CTPAT requirements effectively. So partner with us to strengthen your compliance efforts and safeguard your business against evolving security challenges in today’s dynamic global landscape.